Teaching Black Women How to Turn Their Purpose into Their Paycheck

Nicole Roberts Jones, CEO of the Fierce Factor Lab, is the Cover Story of Speakers Magazine

Nicole Roberts Jones on the cover of Speakers Magazine

Nationwide — The June issue of Speakers Magazine is online and extra printed copies will be distributed at the Best The Answer Event in Boston, MA hosted by Nicole Roberts Jones.When she isn’t traveling speaking and consulting with Black women entrepreneurs, Nicole Roberts Jones can be found, hosting her podcast “Fierce Files” or doing media interviews on how to take your Brilliance To The Bank (TM).

“I teach women on how to get clarity on where they are on their pathway toward living in their purpose and getting paid for it,” said Roberts Jones. Her Fierce Factor Formula program is an eight-week program with steps designed to have professionals understand their uniqueness.

As a coach and transformation expert for over 23 years, Jones has worked with the best: international figures, Steve Harvey and Lisa Nichols; as well as global brands McDonalds and Dell EMC.

Jones understands that talented professionals, attorneys, physicians, speakers are not fully recognizing how to bring their gifts to the masses and corporations need help figuring out how to take the blinders off.

Nicole Roberts is gearing up for her fall event to help women create multiple streams of income from what they already know. Learn more at www.BeTheAnswerEvent.com


In the June issue of SPEAKERS magazine are five featured speakers:

* Laura A. Jones, an award-winning, risk strategist, helps others become comfortable with using technology and understanding cyber space.

* Melony Hill, an author and speaker, has taken the obstacles in her life that were associated with emotional illness and is now transforming others with her message across the nation.

* Dr. Charles Redd is a nationally recognized Fortune 500 business leader, speaker and ministry founder with a profound approach for developing successful leaders.

* Tina D. Lewis is using her certified professional speaker status to leverage a six-figure income.

* Alfred A Edmond, Jr., SVP/Editor-at-large of Black Enterprise is an expert on business and economic trends, entrepreneurship, personal finance, leadership development and healthy relationships.

“Each month, we feature people who are living their professional speaking dreams. They are impacting the lives of others. I am excited to showcase this group of shining stars who are brilliant at what they do,” said Pam Perry, Publisher of Speakers Magazine.

To download the current or previous issues, view the speaker reels or our featured speakers or to learn about SPEAKERS, visit www.speakersmagazine.net or call (248) 690-6810.

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Leah Hubbard
(248) 690-6810



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